wah, my blog is full of spider web, time to clean it now. today wake up went to school return textbook, damn boring. early wake up just for returning that 16 stupid textbook.
take bus home then ready for gf's mum to fetch me to time square, went to her brother's school, waited about nearly an hour, then finally found her brother and sister. then we went to time square, walk along with her sister, brother, and of cause with her too. having lunch at a food court, scolded my gf for a moment, she cried.
note 1 to bibi: scolding u is want u to release, i know your aunty love u and care u, but u still younger than her, u should respect her, not scolding her. ok? the outer world ain't like your family, outer world is like your uncle, hard to stand, annoying. YES! the world is like that, u must learn to respect, learn to stand people's face, can't because they show u some face then u show them back. ok? that's what is real life.
that stupid food court, mixed rice rm8, why don't you go rob?? stupid ass!!!
after lunch then we went home. and again, i scolded her once more when i saw her result book.
note 2 for bibi: scolding you again isn't mean look down on you, scolding you because i can't see any changes in your previous result. i know u try, but try harder, improve your result, moral ain't hard, don't always set to your own mind that BM is hard. BM isn't that hard as u think, accept it with positive mind then it will be easy to learn. once again i scold u then u cry, can't u prove to me that u really give in effort and get changes as return?? i really don't want u give effort but get nothing in return. ok? work harder, i know u can. u just need more push.then after that, we went to gym because she sick, try to sport to sweat some so that her fever will drop, 39'C OMG!!!! high fever, can't play on it. i hope u will recover as fast as possible. gym was tired!! i'm fat already compare to last year, so no choice but work hard on my stomach.
about 10.30pm we went for dinner because her dad was late back cause of job, thanks again to uncle because allow me to stay, paying for my food and drink, and even fetch me home. oh well~ guess your daughter will be my wife. wahaha
i promise that once i get my payment, i will return rm500 to her mum, spent about rm150 to bring her family and also my DAD to go eat steambot, return all those owe from my brother, RM60, my mum RM200. the remaining will be in saving account, wish to buy a last pair of adidas shoe, NIZZA OT-TECH LOW, RM289. wee~~~

working stuff: 2 black shirt for RM80, belt for RM33, sock for RM19.

new year wear: watch RM500, uniqlo jean RM50, uniqlo fleece jacket RM50, uniqlo fannel shirt RM50, arrow chino RM75, FOS beg RM70

image of Adidas NIZZA OT-Tech Low

image of me when wearing working shirt. haven start work yet, 10th jan will be the 1st day. working in ZARA~